Foundation for Promotion of Academic Collaboration

The surrogate as hope

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What's gone is gone, pretty much

by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, IPC

There is always a consolation to conceal the insignificance of existence: the weaknesses of man - forgotten as mortal sins - greed, avarice, ambition.

They help to fill life and to take oneself seriously, no matter what position or area the little person is in.

Organizing and making and doing gives the feeling of being more than an organic vegetable; this also applies to those who act seemingly freely in temples, palaces and town halls.

Preserving the intangible legacies, in the hope of permanence, but with a sense of insignificance, succeeds.

Thoughts, ideas and concepts began to be recorded on stones, then passed on through bound material, converting the analogue into the digital.

Information can be easily transported and is available for communication.

If a transfer from one planet to another is possible one day, it also contains the hope of preserving the analogue.

It is the wealth of a long, human-based chain that simultaneously represents the poverty. 

It is necessary to deal with it in the luggage of a means of transport and to find a way in existence.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3:16 PM, ,

Origin - Line or Circle

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Housing and settlement 
Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

The following article describes the idea of housing and settlement in an environmentally and human-hostile environment (housing under extreme environmental and climatic conditions).

The beginnings of a housing or settlement followed and will always follow the same principles, i.e. protection and perception!

Whether on the planet or any other environment, the principles on earth apply: protection of life, the presence of the necessary elements and self-presentation in the form of recognition and perception.

Utilization of geological features, such as mountains or valleys, coasts or rivers, food options. Creation of psychological or physical environment for implementation of self-presentation.

Ultimately a philosophical meaning: Here we are!

The planning ideas for large structures always suffer from the megalomania that presupposes an industrial environment. The beginning must be in the micro area and contain the following segments:

-housing structure,

-energy for one's own use and food supply, also air and water,

-production facilities .

Housing structures can be created using robot-supported equipment, air and water can be created using robot-supported equipment, production must be maintained by human robot control and maintenance. The latter is the form of the new existence without the former craft of practical making and doing !

The equipment must have been prefabricated by the users and transported to the selected location and must be monitored and activated at the location; monitoring also means securing and controlling the autonomously functioning equipment.

Equipment includes construction robots, energy robots for water and air, which are intensively and comprehensively tested for functionality.

The operation should not be implemented by mass settlement of the dwelling, but must be carried by selected, suitable and tested participants. The disturbing and harmful human characteristics should be replaced by the principles of compatibility: property in the classic sense actually does not exist!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:43 AM, ,

Income-Generating, Employment-Generating, and other Fulfilling Measures

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For students and those interested, we can derive the following three terminologies

out of the so-called "culture" model:

The rulers and their cronies appear to be engaged in developing global measures in order to to appease the ruled:

-income-generating measures.

Extra income for people in rural areas through products that are produced using traditional methods and local resources, - without any mechanized mass-production;

-employment-generating measures.

For urbanized people who gradually become wary from their professional successes and look to achieve further satisfaction through substitute activities;

-measures that fulfill one's existence.

Regular work is not available any more, engaging in institutions like kindergartens and old people's homes, whereby the human being represents the input material and leads to financing one's livelihood! It is placed in the existing system and is officially supposed to give existence a value. Its not a problem, if traditional values are lost in the process!

Students and interested parties are welcome to contact PDP directly via:


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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:58 AM, ,

The Friends of the Society and the Foundation at the Turn of the Year

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Experiments and Experiences with Alternative Techniques and Adapted Building Methods

Background – Examples – Affects / Conclusion

Professor Doctor Norbert Pintsch

Architect, Civil, and Industrial Engineer



Various activities were undertaken in the Berlin period by the IPC (Charly, Johnny, etc.), which can be disregarded in the present consideration. A special project was the Power Box, a joint effort between Germany and Malaysia (see: www. ...).

With increasing international activity from 1990, which started in Pakistan and then continued into Cameroon, Colombia, etc., new challenges were encountered in the field of construction methods and technology.


In the TTTC of the AeFeA (NGO) in Pakistan, solar cookers, solar dryers, windmills (Savonius principle), hot water heaters, also a power box, for applications in rural areas and able to be locally produced, i.e. also without electricity and special tools, were made available and accessible not only to the villagers, but also to student visitors for educational purpose.

The objects were made in small quantities, distributed and sold and explained in lectures and workshops - from Adamkot in the south to Bahawalnagar to Abbottabad.

In the case of building methods, foremost the “women's center”, a competition for building samples was carried out, with a jury, awards and an exhibition. Not only experiences from excavations in the ancient city of Harappa by M. Kenoyer (three-layer wall construction used 5000 years ago, today referred to as passive solar architecture) were used, but also tests carried out in the wind tunnel of the TU Berlin before building, in order to ensure natural ventilation and air circulation cycles; The village and the planned development were modeled in accordance with the results of the study.

Different materials were used for the buildings (mud bricks, hollow bricks, solid wall and combinations with insulating material, also upside-down clay pots). The temperature was measured regularly at fixed points in order to use the experiences for later buildings (Lahore, D.I.K.). The experimental buildings in Lahore (PCC and BNU) were financed by the German Embassy and the IPC, the one for DIK (flood victims) by the Rotarians and with the help of the SES. The objects for the flood victims also considered results of developments in adapted technology. The building experiments in the BNU led to establishment of an Institute for Experimental Buildings (IEC, see www. ...).

The requirements for AT (alternative technology) and AB (adapted, climate-friendly construction) were different in Pakistan, Cameroon, Colombia, but similar in prevailing conditions (lack of tools, lack of electricity, etc.).

In Bamenda/Cameroon a permanent exhibition for AT and AB was created in the Center for Adapted Techniques (CAT, NGO), with workshops, lectures and presentations from Douala to Bafoussam to Maroua. A cooperation with the BUST led to the founding of the IAM; CAT's work has received several awards and it has been praised in press articles, the crown was thereby the establishment of RUC / Royal University Centre.

With the support of the then GTZ, as well as the IPC, also with the support of the SES, Misereor, etc., CAT-clubs were established in the districts of the former NW province; the Kids-Club in Bamenda conducted and still conducts environmental workshops, despite the turbulent situation in the English-speaking areas.

In Colombia, TM (ONG) Saboya was able to bring awareness about AT to the people in the town; Through cooperation with a workshop in Chiquinquira, equipment was manufactured for schools (to explain and raise awareness of the students about AT) and remote Fincas (independent of power supply) and introduced for use. A particular success was the branch in Leticia on the Amazon with the assistance of the National University in Bogota (including a course for environmental technology as a run-up to an exhibition in the Museum Leopoldo Rother with material from Germany ). IdEpeT, an institution for like-minded people, was established in project and partner locations. In Colombia, the project work was supported by IPC, DGFK, Misereor and SES.

EFFECTS If one asks about the achievements of the activities outlined, then, according to spectacular reports in the media, they are visible in everyday life. Everyday life includes coping with the normal demands of life and dealing with other developments. People in rural areas in particular are subject to enormous information pressure from the cities. In order to appear open minded, ideas are being adopted which are usually not compatible with the environment. There is a certain tragedy in the subsequent realizations of the townsfolk, whose previous influence on the rural population had already had a negative impact on the environment. A certain traditional conservative attitude can be helpful here, but it will be difficult for the willing and affected to maintain it.

A remarkable example was the experience in a Pakistani village - one lived there, in today's sense very environmentally friendly, was economical with water and fuel! And all this without much dependence on the urban areas.


All in all one can say: Good ideas require the right point in time and a minority that lives what it considers right and environmentally friendly!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:31 AM, ,

Experiments and Experiences with Alternative Techniques and Adapted Building Methods

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Background – Examples – Affects / Conclusion

by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, IPC, FPAC


Various activities were undertaken in the Berlin period by the IPC (Charly, Johnny, etc.), which can be disregarded in the present consideration. A special project was the Power Box, a joint effort between Germany and Malaysia (see: www. ...).

With increasing international activity from 1990, which started in Pakistan and then continued into Cameroon, Colombia, etc., new challenges were encountered in the field of construction methods and technology.


In the TTTC of the AeFeA (NGO) in Pakistan, solar cookers, solar dryers, windmills (Savonius principle), hot water heaters, also a power box, for applications in rural areas and able to be locally produced, i.e. also without electricity and special tools, were made available and accessible not only to the villagers, but also to student visitors for educational purpose.

The objects were made in small quantities, distributed and sold and explained in lectures and workshops - from Adamkot in the south to Bahawalnagar to Abbottabad.

In the case of building methods, foremost the “women's center”, a competition for building samples was carried out, with a jury, awards and an exhibition. Not only experiences from excavations in the ancient city of Harappa by M. Kenoyer (three-layer wall construction used 5000 years ago, today referred to as passive solar architecture) were used, but also tests carried out in the wind tunnel of the TU Berlin before building, in order to ensure natural ventilation and air circulation cycles; The village and the planned development were modeled in accordance with the results of the study.

Different materials were used for the buildings (mud bricks, hollow bricks, solid wall and combinations with insulating material, also upside-down clay pots). The temperature was measured regularly at fixed points in order to use the experiences for later buildings (Lahore, D.I.K.). The experimental buildings in Lahore (PCC and BNU) were financed by the German Embassy and the IPC, the one for DIK (flood victims) by the Rotarians and with the help of the SES. The objects for the flood victims also considered results of developments in adapted technology. The building experiments in the BNU led to establishment of an Institute for Experimental Buildings (IEC, see www. ...).

The requirements for AT (alternative technology) and AB (adapted, climate-friendly construction) were different in Pakistan, Cameroon, Colombia, but similar in prevailing conditions (lack of tools, lack of electricity, etc.).

In Bamenda/Cameroon a permanent exhibition for AT and AB was created in the Center for Adapted Techniques (CAT, NGO), with workshops, lectures and presentations from Douala to Bafoussam to Maroua. A cooperation with the BUST led to the founding of the IAM; CAT's work has received several awards and it has been praised in press articles, the crown was thereby the establishment of RUC / Royal University Centre.

With the support of the then GTZ, as well as the IPC, also with the support of the SES, Misereor, etc., CAT-clubs were established in the districts of the former NW province; the Kids-Club in Bamenda conducted and still conducts environmental workshops, despite the turbulent situation in the English-speaking areas.

In Colombia, TM (ONG) Saboya was able to bring awareness about AT to the people in the town; Through cooperation with a workshop in Chiquinquira, equipment was manufactured for schools (to explain and raise awareness of the students about AT) and remote Fincas (independent of power supply) and introduced for use. A particular success was the branch in Leticia on the Amazon with the assistance of the National University in Bogota (including a course for environmental technology as a run-up to an exhibition in the Museum Leopoldo Rother with material from Germany ). IdEpeT, an institution for like-minded people, was established in project and partner locations. In Colombia, the project work was supported by IPC, DGFK, Misereor and SES.


If one asks about the achievements of the activities outlined, then, according to spectacular reports in the media, they are visible in everyday life. Everyday life includes coping with the normal demands of life and dealing with other developments. People in rural areas in particular are subject to enormous information pressure from the cities. In order to appear open minded, ideas are being adopted which are usually not compatible with the environment. There is a certain tragedy in the subsequent realizations of the townsfolk, whose previous influence on the rural population had already had a negative impact on the environment. A certain traditional conservative attitude can be helpful here, but it will be difficult for the willing and affected to maintain it.

A remarkable example was the experience in a Pakistani village - one lived there, in today's sense very environmentally friendly, was economical with water and fuel! And all this without much dependence on the urban areas.


All in all one can say: Good ideas require the right point in time and a minority that lives what it considers right and environmentally friendly!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:47 AM, ,


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The FPAC operates in the academic and pre-academic fields. Supporting the village project has been a major area of interest. In 2022, FPAC intends to support the KIdsClub, an initiative of the Center for Appropriate Technology in Bamenda, through training program in Appropriate Technology.

In Lahore, FPAC has undertaken financial support of talented students. A student has been selected and offered an FPAC grant as financial support. dem Foerderrpeis der FPAC.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:49 AM, ,

Spending-oriented leisure activities

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Income-generating measures

A long overdue lesson

to the DGFK societies & FPAC


Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

The circle of terminologies is closing!

It is not easy to remain focused in the sea of meaningless terminologies and constantly repeating everyday occurrences.

The progressive fragmentation of society and the consequent development of new terminologies suggests a new development , which however on closer look proves to be merely a changed look.

The past in the form of the old generation seems to be losing its justification.

The youth representing what is still to come is pressing for recognition.

Between them the army of middle-aged persons.

One has to deal with everyday issues, living like a beetle between tree and bark and cannot really do how or what one would like to do.

Awakening, progress and future, these are the battle cries of the army leaders at the zenith of the overview, but they cannot perceive the emerging fog; the mixture of feet on the ground and reaching for the sky prevents this!

While the forefathers understood only the principle of work, in the course of industrialization this evolved into a mixture of working hours and free time, from which non-industrialized countries remained less affected.

Until then, life was still shaped by local character and was actually analogue, but with time it became increasingly international and also affected the less industrialized countries.

Actually escape from the limitation in own country by venturing into foreign lands.

Meanwhile, it is no longer possible to escape from the digital, global village. Even traditional work methods exist lesser and lesser and is iincreasingly infected with occupations of trivialities.

The sense of achievement through well defined tasks exist no longer and they are replaced by occupations that no longer lead to sense of achievement in the traditional sense. Free time exists no longer, the entire time becoming a conglomerate of income-generating measures and expenditure-oriented employments.

Classic profiling is becoming less well known, training and further education is part of consumerism. Despite the calls for growth restrictions, the environment is ruined - not without constant, but quite entertaining Cassandra music.

Nature, for some, a mystical power, for others - they prevail as terminology and pseudo-scientific curiosity occupy the content of their heads ... SEQUITUR ET It goes on and on - Et ca continue, encore et encore - Lo sigue y sigue. 

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:56 AM, ,

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