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Housing and settlement 
Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

The following article describes the idea of housing and settlement in an environmentally and human-hostile environment (housing under extreme environmental and climatic conditions).

The beginnings of a housing or settlement followed and will always follow the same principles, i.e. protection and perception!

Whether on the planet or any other environment, the principles on earth apply: protection of life, the presence of the necessary elements and self-presentation in the form of recognition and perception.

Utilization of geological features, such as mountains or valleys, coasts or rivers, food options. Creation of psychological or physical environment for implementation of self-presentation.

Ultimately a philosophical meaning: Here we are!

The planning ideas for large structures always suffer from the megalomania that presupposes an industrial environment. The beginning must be in the micro area and contain the following segments:

-housing structure,

-energy for one's own use and food supply, also air and water,

-production facilities .

Housing structures can be created using robot-supported equipment, air and water can be created using robot-supported equipment, production must be maintained by human robot control and maintenance. The latter is the form of the new existence without the former craft of practical making and doing !

The equipment must have been prefabricated by the users and transported to the selected location and must be monitored and activated at the location; monitoring also means securing and controlling the autonomously functioning equipment.

Equipment includes construction robots, energy robots for water and air, which are intensively and comprehensively tested for functionality.

The operation should not be implemented by mass settlement of the dwelling, but must be carried by selected, suitable and tested participants. The disturbing and harmful human characteristics should be replaced by the principles of compatibility: property in the classic sense actually does not exist!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:43 AM, ,

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